May 19, 2025
INPE, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
XXV Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics - GEOINFO 2025
Spatial Data Science and Applications
Paper Preparation Guidelines
Papers should describe original research. Ongoing or recently completed works are welcome.
All the submissions will be reviewed by multiple members of a highly qualified scientific committee.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
The following paper categories are welcome:
- ➤ Short papers: contributions describing original ongoing research works,
consisting of up to 6 pages, in English (preferably), or Portuguese.
- ➤ Full papers: contributions describing original recently finished research works,
consisting of up to 12 pages, in English.
- ➤ Databases and datasets: contributions describing a geospatial dataset organized by
its authors, consisting of up to 6 pages, in English (preferably), or Portuguese,
including a link to a public data repository.
The paper must not necessarily include scientific questions, but must contain a clear description
of the data and corresponding metadata.
- ➤ Tools: contributions describing original tools and applications, consisting of up
to 6 pages, in English (preferably), or Portuguese, including a link to a public repository.
The paper must not necessarily include source-code, but must describe the tool or application's
architecture and functionality.
Contributions must be submitted in PDF format, made in accordance with the SBC guidelines.
Templates and instructions for preparing manuscripts on OpenOffice, MS-Word, or LaTeX can be found at:
Full papers must be presented orally. Short papers are also presented orally, but some works may
be selected for presentation in a poster session. Posters should be 90 cm X 1.0 to 1.2 m.
The layout is free. We suggest the inclusion of the GEOINFO logo.
Submission Instructions
The Microsoft CMT service is used for managing the per-reviewing process to GEOINFO 2025.
This service is provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud
services as well as for the software development and support.
Instructions for using the CMT conference submission system
- ➤ Access the link to the CMT system;
- ➤ If you have not used the CMT system for any other conference, you will have to create an account in the system,
clicking on “Create New Account”;
- ➤ Log into your account;
- ➤ Select your role as "Author", and the conference "GEOINFO2025" in the top right section of the menu bar;
- ➤ Click on "+ Create new submission" under the "Author Console" title and fill the "Create New Submission" form.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to